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Cătălin Hriţcu
- Upcoming: Program Verification with F* course at Summer School on
Verification Technology, Systems, and Applications, VSTA 2019,
1-5 July 2019 at University of Luxembourg
- Recent: Formally Secure Compartmentalizing Compilation course at
International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD),
27-28 August, 2018, Bertinoro, Italy
- Program Verification with F* course at
EPIT 2018 Software Verification Spring School, 7-11 May, 2018, Aussois, France
- Verifying Cryptographic Implementations with F* at
Computer-aided security proofs summer school. Aarhus, Denmark, October, 2017
- Verifying Cryptographic Implementations with F* course at Models and Tools for Cryptographic Proofs summer school, Nancy, France, July 2017
- Program Verification with F* at the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI), January 2017
- Verifying Cryptographic Protocol Implementations with F* course at Computer Aided Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols summer school, Bucharest, Romania, September 2016
- F* Course: Type Systems for Security Verification, Saarland University, March 2015
- F* tutorial
- Advanced Martial Arts in Coq
- CIS670 at UPenn, Fall 2012.
Guest lecturer for 2 lectures:
- Software Foundations
- CIS500 at UPenn, Spring 2012.
Guest lecturer for 6 lectures:
- More About Coq and Varying the Induction Hypothesis (2012-01-25)
- Coq Automation and While Programs (2012-02-20 and 2012-02-22)
- Properties of Relations (2012-03-21)
- Properties of the Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus (2012-04-16)
- Simple Extensions to the Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus (2012-04-18)
- Advanced Topics in Programming Languages
- CIS670 at UPenn, Fall 2011.
Guest lecturer for 2 lectures:
- Security
- Core Lecture, Saarland University, Winter 2010/11.
Guest lecturer for 1 lecture:
- Practical Aspects of Security
- Advanced Lecture, Saarland University, Summer 2009
(Best lecture award).
Guest lecturer for 3 lectures:
- Selected Topics of Information Security and Cryptography
- Seminar, Saarland University, Winter 2008/09.
Organizer; advised students on the following topic:
- Selected Topics of Information Security and Cryptography
- Seminar, Saarland University, Winter 2007/08.
Organizer; advised students on the following topics:
- Introduction to Computational Logic
- Core Lecture, Saarland University, Summer 2007.
Teaching assistant.
- Language-based Security
- Advanced Lecture, Saarland University, Winter 2006/07.
Teaching assistant; conducted weekly recitation sections.