AutoMore Automation
Consider the proof below, showing that ceval is
deterministic. There's a lot of repetition and a lot of
Theorem ceval_deterministic: ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2;
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst.
- (* E_Skip *) reflexivity.
- (* E_Ass *) reflexivity.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1.
{ (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; apply H1. }
subst st'0.
apply IHE1_2. assumption.
(* E_IfTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to true *)
apply IHE1. assumption.
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
(* E_IfFalse *)
- (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
- (* b evaluates to false *)
apply IHE1. assumption.
(* E_WhileFalse *)
- (* b evaluates to false *)
- (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H2. discriminate.
(* E_WhileTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H4. discriminate.
- (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1.
{ (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; assumption. }
subst st'0.
apply IHE1_2. assumption. Qed.
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2;
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst.
- (* E_Skip *) reflexivity.
- (* E_Ass *) reflexivity.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1.
{ (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; apply H1. }
subst st'0.
apply IHE1_2. assumption.
(* E_IfTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to true *)
apply IHE1. assumption.
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
(* E_IfFalse *)
- (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
- (* b evaluates to false *)
apply IHE1. assumption.
(* E_WhileFalse *)
- (* b evaluates to false *)
- (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H2. discriminate.
(* E_WhileTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H4. discriminate.
- (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1.
{ (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; assumption. }
subst st'0.
apply IHE1_2. assumption. Qed.
The auto Tactic
Example auto_example_1 : ∀(P Q R: Prop),
(P → Q) → (Q → R) → P → R.
intros P Q R H1 H2 H3.
apply H2. apply H1. assumption.
(P → Q) → (Q → R) → P → R.
intros P Q R H1 H2 H3.
apply H2. apply H1. assumption.
The auto tactic frees us from this drudgery by searching for a
sequence of applications that will prove the goal:
Example auto_example_1' : ∀(P Q R: Prop),
(P → Q) → (Q → R) → P → R.
(P → Q) → (Q → R) → P → R.
The auto tactic solves goals that are solvable by any combination of
- intros and
- apply (of hypotheses from the local context, by default).
Example auto_example_2 : ∀P Q R S T U : Prop,
(P → Q) →
(P → R) →
(T → R) →
(S → T → U) →
((P→Q) → (P→S)) →
T →
P →
Proof. auto. Qed.
(P → Q) →
(P → R) →
(T → R) →
(S → T → U) →
((P→Q) → (P→S)) →
T →
P →
Proof. auto. Qed.
Proof search could, in principle, take an arbitrarily long time, so there are limits to how far auto will search by default.
Example auto_example_3 : ∀(P Q R S T U: Prop),
(P → Q) →
(Q → R) →
(R → S) →
(S → T) →
(T → U) →
P →
(* When it cannot solve the goal, auto does nothing *)
(* Optional argument says how deep to search (default is 5) *)
auto 6.
(P → Q) →
(Q → R) →
(R → S) →
(S → T) →
(T → U) →
P →
(* When it cannot solve the goal, auto does nothing *)
(* Optional argument says how deep to search (default is 5) *)
auto 6.
Example auto_example_4 : ∀P Q R : Prop,
Q →
(Q → R) →
P ∨ (Q ∧ R).
Proof. auto. Qed.
Q →
(Q → R) →
P ∨ (Q ∧ R).
Proof. auto. Qed.
If we want to see which facts auto is using, we can use
info_auto instead.
Example auto_example_5: 2 = 2.
(* auto subsumes reflexivity because eq_refl is in hint database *)
(* auto subsumes reflexivity because eq_refl is in hint database *)
We can extend the hint database just for the purposes of one application of auto by writing "auto using ...".
Lemma le_antisym : ∀n m: nat, (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n) → n = m.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Example auto_example_6 : ∀n m p : nat,
(n ≤ p → (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n)) →
n ≤ p →
n = m.
auto using le_antisym.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Example auto_example_6 : ∀n m p : nat,
(n ≤ p → (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n)) →
n ≤ p →
n = m.
auto using le_antisym.
- Hint Resolve T.
- Hint Constructors c.
- Hint Unfold d.
Hint Resolve le_antisym.
Example auto_example_6' : ∀n m p : nat,
(n≤ p → (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n)) →
n ≤ p →
n = m.
auto. (* picks up hint from database *)
Example auto_example_6' : ∀n m p : nat,
(n≤ p → (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n)) →
n ≤ p →
n = m.
auto. (* picks up hint from database *)
Definition is_fortytwo x := (x = 42).
Example auto_example_7: ∀x,
(x ≤ 42 ∧ 42 ≤ x) → is_fortytwo x.
auto. (* does nothing *)
Hint Unfold is_fortytwo.
Example auto_example_7' : ∀x,
(x ≤ 42 ∧ 42 ≤ x) → is_fortytwo x.
auto. (* try also: info_auto. *)
Example auto_example_7: ∀x,
(x ≤ 42 ∧ 42 ≤ x) → is_fortytwo x.
auto. (* does nothing *)
Hint Unfold is_fortytwo.
Example auto_example_7' : ∀x,
(x ≤ 42 ∧ 42 ≤ x) → is_fortytwo x.
auto. (* try also: info_auto. *)
Theorem ceval_deterministic': ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
- (* E_IfTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
- (* E_IfFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
- (* E_WhileFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H2. discriminate.
(* E_WhileTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H4. discriminate.
- (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
- (* E_IfTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
- (* E_IfFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H5. discriminate.
- (* E_WhileFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H2. discriminate.
(* E_WhileTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rewrite H in H4. discriminate.
- (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
Searching For Hypotheses
H1: beval st b = false
as well as:
H2: beval st b = true
Ltac rwd H1 H2 := rewrite H1 in H2; discriminate.
Theorem ceval_deterministic'': ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
- (* E_IfTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rwd H H5.
- (* E_IfFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rwd H H5.
- (* E_WhileFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rwd H H2.
(* E_WhileTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rwd H H4.
- (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
auto. Qed.
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
- (* E_IfTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rwd H H5.
- (* E_IfFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rwd H H5.
- (* E_WhileFalse *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
rwd H H2.
(* E_WhileTrue *)
- (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
rwd H H4.
- (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
auto. Qed.
Ltac find_rwd :=
match goal with
H1: ?E = true,
H2: ?E = false
⊢ _ ⇒ rwd H1 H2
match goal with
H1: ?E = true,
H2: ?E = false
⊢ _ ⇒ rwd H1 H2
The match goal tactic looks for hypotheses matching the
pattern specified. In this case, we're looking for two equalities
H1 and H2 equating the same thing ?E to true and false.
Theorem ceval_deterministic''': ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
- (* E_WhileTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
auto. Qed.
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
- (* E_WhileTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to true *)
assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto.
subst st'0.
auto. Qed.
Theorem ceval_deterministic'''': ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
rewrite (IHE1_1 st'0 H1) in *. auto.
- (* E_WhileTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to true *)
rewrite (IHE1_1 st'0 H3) in *. auto. Qed.
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd; auto.
- (* E_Seq *)
rewrite (IHE1_1 st'0 H1) in *. auto.
- (* E_WhileTrue *)
+ (* b evaluates to true *)
rewrite (IHE1_1 st'0 H3) in *. auto. Qed.
Ltac find_eqn :=
match goal with
H1: ∀x, ?P x → ?L = ?R,
H2: ?P ?X
⊢ _ ⇒ rewrite (H1 X H2) in *
match goal with
H1: ∀x, ?P x → ?L = ?R,
H2: ?P ?X
⊢ _ ⇒ rewrite (H1 X H2) in *
Now we can make use of find_eqn to repeatedly rewrite with the appropriate hypothesis, wherever it may be found.
Theorem ceval_deterministic''''': ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd;
repeat find_eqn; auto.
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1; intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd;
repeat find_eqn; auto.
Inductive com : Type :=
| CSkip
| CAss (x : string) (a : aexp)
| CSeq (c1 c2 : com)
| CIf (b : bexp) (c1 c2 : com)
| CWhile (b : bexp) (c : com)
| CRepeat (c : com) (b : bexp).
REPEAT behaves like WHILE, except that the loop guard is
checked after each execution of the body, with the loop
repeating as long as the guard stays false. Because of this,
the body will always execute at least once.
Notation "'SKIP'" :=
Notation "x '::=' a" :=
(CAss x a) (at level 60).
Notation "c1 ;; c2" :=
(CSeq c1 c2) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'WHILE' b 'DO' c 'END'" :=
(CWhile b c) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'TEST' c1 'THEN' c2 'ELSE' c3 'FI'" :=
(CIf c1 c2 c3) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'REPEAT' c 'UNTIL' b 'END'" :=
(CRepeat c b) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "x '::=' a" :=
(CAss x a) (at level 60).
Notation "c1 ;; c2" :=
(CSeq c1 c2) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'WHILE' b 'DO' c 'END'" :=
(CWhile b c) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'TEST' c1 'THEN' c2 'ELSE' c3 'FI'" :=
(CIf c1 c2 c3) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'REPEAT' c 'UNTIL' b 'END'" :=
(CRepeat c b) (at level 80, right associativity).
Reserved Notation "st '=[' c ']⇒' st'"
(at level 40).
Inductive ceval : com → state → state → Prop :=
| E_Skip : ∀st,
st =[ SKIP ]⇒ st
| E_Ass : ∀st a1 n x,
aeval st a1 = n →
st =[ x ::= a1 ]⇒ (x !-> n ; st)
| E_Seq : ∀c1 c2 st st' st'',
st =[ c1 ]⇒ st' →
st' =[ c2 ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ c1 ;; c2 ]⇒ st''
| E_IfTrue : ∀st st' b c1 c2,
beval st b = true →
st =[ c1 ]⇒ st' →
st =[ TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]⇒ st'
| E_IfFalse : ∀st st' b c1 c2,
beval st b = false →
st =[ c2 ]⇒ st' →
st =[ TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]⇒ st'
| E_WhileFalse : ∀b st c,
beval st b = false →
st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]⇒ st
| E_WhileTrue : ∀st st' st'' b c,
beval st b = true →
st =[ c ]⇒ st' →
st' =[ WHILE b DO c END ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]⇒ st''
| E_RepeatEnd : ∀st st' b c,
st =[ c ]⇒ st' →
beval st' b = true →
st =[ REPEAT c UNTIL b END ]⇒ st'
| E_RepeatLoop : ∀st st' st'' b c,
st =[ c ]⇒ st' →
beval st' b = false →
st' =[ REPEAT c UNTIL b END ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ REPEAT c UNTIL b END ]⇒ st''
where "st =[ c ]⇒ st'" := (ceval c st st').
(at level 40).
Inductive ceval : com → state → state → Prop :=
| E_Skip : ∀st,
st =[ SKIP ]⇒ st
| E_Ass : ∀st a1 n x,
aeval st a1 = n →
st =[ x ::= a1 ]⇒ (x !-> n ; st)
| E_Seq : ∀c1 c2 st st' st'',
st =[ c1 ]⇒ st' →
st' =[ c2 ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ c1 ;; c2 ]⇒ st''
| E_IfTrue : ∀st st' b c1 c2,
beval st b = true →
st =[ c1 ]⇒ st' →
st =[ TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]⇒ st'
| E_IfFalse : ∀st st' b c1 c2,
beval st b = false →
st =[ c2 ]⇒ st' →
st =[ TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]⇒ st'
| E_WhileFalse : ∀b st c,
beval st b = false →
st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]⇒ st
| E_WhileTrue : ∀st st' st'' b c,
beval st b = true →
st =[ c ]⇒ st' →
st' =[ WHILE b DO c END ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]⇒ st''
| E_RepeatEnd : ∀st st' b c,
st =[ c ]⇒ st' →
beval st' b = true →
st =[ REPEAT c UNTIL b END ]⇒ st'
| E_RepeatLoop : ∀st st' st'' b c,
st =[ c ]⇒ st' →
beval st' b = false →
st' =[ REPEAT c UNTIL b END ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ REPEAT c UNTIL b END ]⇒ st''
where "st =[ c ]⇒ st'" := (ceval c st st').
Theorem ceval_deterministic: ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1;
intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd; repeat find_eqn; auto.
- (* E_RepeatEnd *)
+ (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
(* oops: why didn't find_rwd solve this for us already?
answer: we did things in the wrong order. *)
- (* E_RepeatLoop *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1;
intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; try find_rwd; repeat find_eqn; auto.
- (* E_RepeatEnd *)
+ (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *)
(* oops: why didn't find_rwd solve this for us already?
answer: we did things in the wrong order. *)
- (* E_RepeatLoop *)
+ (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *)
Theorem ceval_deterministic': ∀c st st1 st2,
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1;
intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; repeat find_eqn; try find_rwd; auto.
st =[ c ]⇒ st1 →
st =[ c ]⇒ st2 →
st1 = st2.
intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2.
generalize dependent st2;
induction E1;
intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst; repeat find_eqn; try find_rwd; auto.
Example ceval_example1:
empty_st =[
X ::= 2;;
TEST X ≤ 1
THEN Y ::= 3
ELSE Z ::= 4
]⇒ (Z !-> 4 ; X !-> 2).
(* We supply the intermediate state st'... *)
apply E_Seq with (X !-> 2).
- apply E_Ass. reflexivity.
- apply E_IfFalse. reflexivity. apply E_Ass. reflexivity.
empty_st =[
X ::= 2;;
TEST X ≤ 1
THEN Y ::= 3
ELSE Z ::= 4
]⇒ (Z !-> 4 ; X !-> 2).
(* We supply the intermediate state st'... *)
apply E_Seq with (X !-> 2).
- apply E_Ass. reflexivity.
- apply E_IfFalse. reflexivity. apply E_Ass. reflexivity.
In the first step of the proof, we had to explicitly provide
a longish expression, due to the "hidden" argument st' to the E_Seq
If we leave out the with, this step fails, because Coq cannot
find an instance for the variable st'. But this is silly! The appropriate
value for st' will become obvious in the very next step.
E_Seq : ∀c1 c2 st st' st'',
st =[ c1 ]⇒ st' →
st' =[ c2 ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ c1 ;; c2 ]⇒ st''
st =[ c1 ]⇒ st' →
st' =[ c2 ]⇒ st'' →
st =[ c1 ;; c2 ]⇒ st''
With eapply, we can eliminate this silliness:
Example ceval'_example1:
empty_st =[
X ::= 2;;
TEST X ≤ 1
THEN Y ::= 3
ELSE Z ::= 4
]⇒ (Z !-> 4 ; X !-> 2).
eapply E_Seq. (* 1 *)
- apply E_Ass. (* 2 *)
reflexivity. (* 3 *)
- (* 4 *) apply E_IfFalse. reflexivity. apply E_Ass. reflexivity.
empty_st =[
X ::= 2;;
TEST X ≤ 1
THEN Y ::= 3
ELSE Z ::= 4
]⇒ (Z !-> 4 ; X !-> 2).
eapply E_Seq. (* 1 *)
- apply E_Ass. (* 2 *)
reflexivity. (* 3 *)
- (* 4 *) apply E_IfFalse. reflexivity. apply E_Ass. reflexivity.
Several of the tactics that we've seen so far, including ∃, constructor, and auto, have similar variants. For example, here's a proof using eauto:
Hint Constructors ceval.
Hint Transparent state.
Hint Transparent total_map.
Definition st12 := (Y !-> 2 ; X !-> 1).
Definition st21 := (Y !-> 1 ; X !-> 2).
Example eauto_example : ∃s',
st21 =[
THEN Z ::= Y - X
ELSE Y ::= X + Z
]⇒ s'.
Proof. info_eauto. Qed.
Hint Transparent state.
Hint Transparent total_map.
Definition st12 := (Y !-> 2 ; X !-> 1).
Definition st21 := (Y !-> 1 ; X !-> 2).
Example eauto_example : ∃s',
st21 =[
THEN Z ::= Y - X
ELSE Y ::= X + Z
]⇒ s'.
Proof. info_eauto. Qed.
The eauto tactic works just like auto, except that it uses
eapply instead of apply; info_eauto shows us which facts
auto uses.
Pro tip: One might think that, since eapply and eauto are more
powerful than apply and auto, it would be a good idea to use
them all the time. Unfortunately, they are also significantly
slower — especially eauto. Coq experts tend to use apply and
auto most of the time, only switching to the e variants when
the ordinary variants don't do the job.